The Sproul DNA Project has reached a point where our focus on future Y-DNA participants has turned a more pressing need for Scottish testers, or testers who have a strong, proven lineage back to Scotland. In order to fund the testing of future participants who may not have the means to fund the testing themselves, Fred Sproule's family have graciously given the Sproul DNA Project permission to offer Fred's work at a modest cost as a way to raise funds for future DNA testing. Each book is available for sale for $42 US each, with $10 of the cost of each book going to support the project. To order please send an email to If you are not familiar with Fred or his work, Kate Tammemagi who is very familiar with Fred's work wrote the biography on him, below:
Fred Sproule, Sproule Family Historian of the the 20th Century
We Sproules are blessed in that in every century since the end of the 1700s, we have had a family historian working on our family history. We had John Inch, we had JJ Elder, and in the 1900s, we had Fred Sproule.
Fred was a thorough and meticulous researcher, who checked and double checked each piece of invaluable information that he collected. He gathered this into two seminal volumes on the Sproules, Volume 1 on the Scottish Sproules and Volume 2 on the Sproules in Ireland. Each volume is beautifully written and easy to follow and, above all, he carefully referenced each piece of data, so that we who follow after him can make use of them.
Fred was born in Ireland on 28 May 1926, in a place called Carrivetragh, County Monaghan. But Fred was from Tyrone Sproule stock, from the Grennan Sproules of Dromore, and it was researching this family that began his interest in the family history. Like many of us, he began late in life, after he had retired.
Fred’s family had left Ireland when he was just two years old. His father George and mother Olive, bought a farm near Strathmore, Alberta, in what was known as the Anzac Colony, a settlement for WWI veterans. Fred received his first nine years of education at the one room school called Ploegsteerte School, named after a town in Belgium near a WWI battle. He became a teacher at a young age, and it was actually later, in the early 50's, when he completed his Bachelor of Education at the University of Alberta.
He retired to Edmonton in 1982, and it was there that he began his work on the Sproule family history. Fred’s contribution to our knowledge of the Sproule families cannot be underestimated. His work on the Scottish Sproules, the history of the family there, is comprehensive and detailed. His history of the Sproules in Ireland contains information that could easily have been lost, and his own family Sproule line, the family of Charles Sproule of Upper Grennan, has fine detail that we would never had known.
As a Sproule researcher myself, I am grateful every day for these great Sproule researchers who have gone before me and Fred Sproule is up there in lights. Thank you Fred, for all the great work you have done.
Thanks to Ryan Sproule, Fred’s son, for Fred’s personal biographical details
Scotland, Volume I - Ireland, Volume II
Sproule Families of Scotland: Albert Frederick Sproule
1990, Alberta, Canada
Paperback 234pp, with Miscellany, Bibliography and Footnotes

A Sproule Family of Ireland and Canada: Albert Frederick Sproule
1990, Edmonton, Canada
Paperback 271pp, with Appendix, Bibliography, Footnotes and List of Illustrations